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Unlock the power of your unique voice.

Peter Meyers
+1 415.827.1364
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Stand & Deliver is a global firm specializing in
communication and leadership consulting

Virtual Programs

Let’s face it: it’s simply harder to connect and lead in the virtual world. Tech challenges, distractions, and the difficulty of “reading the room” can make it feel impossible to truly connect with and inspire others. 

But with so much of the world’s communication now happening virtually, your ability to shine in this medium is a must. If you can distinguish yourself on virtual platforms, you will simply drive better results—with your team, your partners and your customers. 

Stand & Deliver’s virtual offerings are designed to give you that edge. 

Each of our virtual offerings can be delivered as a series of 75-minute virtual sessions with additional options for:

  • supplemental small-group breakout sessions for more intensive work and feedback 
  • additional 1:1 virtual coaching.
Signature Virtual Programs

Stand & Deliver’s signature virtual programs adapt our live workshops into dynamic, interactive and focused virtual sessions. In all of these programs, we offer tools and practice for heightening your virtual presence and ability to lead while working remotely.

Like our signature live programs, virtual engagements are fast-paced, interactive and feature 1:1 coaching and feedback in small breakout groups. 

Your Virtual Pitch

How do you ensure your best ideas are being heard? 

Pitching is about providing value. This series is about translating that value into your virtual presence. 

  • Build a strong virtual brand with a crisp, clear image and strategies for "owning the virtual room"
  • Frame conversations without "selling" to win buy-in from customers and stakeholders
  • Create memorable meetings by orchestrating engaging conversations, from small talk to big ideas
  • Create rapport and connection by tuning in to your listener's body language 
  • Handle objections and challengers to move sales forward and close
Virtual Transformation Series

An intensive, 6-part series designed to accelerate your team’s virtual leadership-communication.

This virtual-leadership “boot camp” covers the critical communication, facilitation and collaboration skills essential to working remotely, including:

  1. “High-Fidelity” Virtual Interaction: Improve your virtual presence and learn to navigate the rhythms of your web conferencing platform.
  2. Influence: Capture attention and win buy-in remotely
  3. Better Meetings: Orchestrate experiences instead of just transmitting information.
  4. Constructive Conversations: Build trust in on-screen dialogues, including performance reviews, client conversations and feedback sessions.
  5. Stories to Inspire: Turn data into memorable narratives; learn the story forms that work best in the virtual world.
  6. State: Manage your mental and emotional state in times of uncertainty and high pressure.

Each session combines plenary discussions with small-group virtual breakouts for practice and feedback.

The Leadership Offsite... Reimagined

Strategic offsites used to hold the promise of renewed connections, fresh ideas and inspiration.

We believe that breakthrough experiences are not only possible in virtual team meetings, but that they can exceed expectations and yield unexpected advantages. But only with the right design and creativity—and with a new kind of facilitation that is finely attuned to the rhythms and structures of the virtual world. 

  • Build dynamic, inspiring and productive online sessions for your team.
  • Renew energy and engagement. 
  • Collaborate in unexpected ways. Reconnect to your purpose. 
  • Make decisions and get things done.
Consultative Selling Lab

Last year, organizations spent billions bringing sales teams face to face with customers. Why? Because selling is about trust—a bond that people are accustomed to building face to face. So what do you do when you can’t bring your teams physically into a room?

The Consultative Selling Lab is virtual training for sales engagements. This series covers:

  • Amplifying your online presence.
  • Establishing relevance and buy-in early.
  • Turning your pitches into consultative conversations.
  • Handling tough questions in high-stakes situations.
  • Enriching your engagement with business-relevant stories.
  • Building agility and confidence in meetings.

The Lab can be customized to cover specific team sales scenarios with role-play and practice.

Virtual Event Design and Facilitation

Strategic offsites for leadership teams. Large-scale events to bring global teams or customers together. Quarterly meetings to align and inspire your team. When travel or budget restrictions prevent live events, how do make effective group decisions, build personal  connections and align and inspire people?

Stand & Deliver consultants draw on decades of experience in the performing arts, entertainment, business and organizational design to help you ensure that your virtual event is unique, engaging, effective and memorable.

Executive Coaching: Virtual Engagements

Stand & Deliver’s individual leadership-communication coaching focuses on deepening presence and performance in the contexts that matter most for each individual. Coaching typically focuses on

  • heightened confidence in high-stakes situations or new leadership roles;
  • a stronger voice in your organization and the cultivation of your distinct personal-leadership style;
  • preparation for specific high-stakes engagements;
  • expanded  leadership agility and range;
  • and overcoming blocks to higher performance and fulfillment.
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